Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Congratulations to me!

Alhamdulillah now Im a diploma in programming holder! My gpa didnt change with my last sem but never mind cause my cgpa is 3.25. That deans I really want, I didnt make it. Still Im happy with it. Thinking of people expectation if I got a really high pointer. So its better this way kan? I am so happy and blessed!

Family sangat chill. Theyre like "okay we know you'll doing okay". Herhh Im dying there you remember? Abah dah macam relax bila bagitau yang result keluar. Dulu dia yang paling beriya. Mama pun senyum je. Je? Just je? Angah is the most annoying person that I know. Im happily tell him that my project didnt get bar and his expression like 'so??' Along, farah, adik, kakcik everybody act like nothing special happen. Ehh sedih!

Fai is the one that helping me checking the result and kena tipu hidup2! Dia pergi tanya D tuh ape? And I was like.... Ape yang D? Betul ke D? Serious? Ape yang kena repeat? Sumpah dia macam tak tipu. Then dia cakap next year kau pergilah repeat kalau rajin. !@#$%^&* Jan dah nangis dia bole cakap cepatlah nangis lagi. Lagi sekali dia kena maki hamun.

I only got B for my final project. Lots saying supervisor kiteorang kedekut markah. Hmm sakit jugak hati kite bila ramai dapat A. Tapi takpelah malas nak kesah dah. Because its over and jan dah boleh grad hoyeah!

Bila dieorang dok bising2 bagitau result keluar tuh jan sedang tidur. Lepas bincang2 semua bersyukur. Semua lega. Harap-harap semua boleh datang convo nanti. I really hope for us to have one last memory in ptss.

Emm tak sangka jan dah habis. Biarlah orang cakap 22 tahun baru diploma. Even belum dengar lagi orang cakap macamtuh depan2 hahaha. Tapi takpe sebab semua ade hikmah. Kalau jan masuk study awal2, jan takkan jumpa orang-orang yang jan kenal sekarang. And the most important thing is I can never be this Nik Nur Fauzan binti Mat Husin! Everything happen for a reason. And what happens on me I already get the point that Allah shows. Once again Alhamdulillah ;)